Pregnancy Tracker: Week 3

Pregnancy Tracker: Week 3





Although you may not know it, you are pregnant!

It will still be a few weeks before you can confirm this exiting news with a pregnancy test, but you have officially conceived!

At 3 weeks pregnant you are in your first month of pregnancy, with your future baby growing and developing inside you.  And to make matters even more exciting, the sex of your baby has already been determined!


The fertilized egg goes through the process of cell division, moves through the fallopian tube, and implants itself in the thickening lining of the uterus. The egg at this stage is super tiny, about the size of a pinhead, and would probably not show up on an ultrasound right yet.

This is a busy time for your body as the small group of cells that will eventually be your child are expanding and multiplying at a rapid rate. You will start to produce enough progesterone and estrogen to support and nourish your baby until the placenta can begin to do its work in about 10 weeks from now. The tiny amniotic sac is beginning to fill with amniotic fluid and will cushion and protect your baby in the coming weeks and months.


At 3 weeks pregnant, it is possible that symptoms have not yet appeared, or you may confuse them with the similar symptoms of PMS, like breast tenderness or bloating. Most women don’t feel anything until the first missed period. Some people may not notice anything different at this stage – no need to agonise over it, everyone experiences pregnancy differently, and there will be a lot of changes in the weeks ahead!

However, increased hormone levels can result in some symptoms:

  • A sensitivity to the sense of smell can be one of the first signs of pregnancy. This heightened sense of smell may also result in mild nausea, although full-blown morning sickness would usually not be in evidence until a few weeks later.
  • Surging hormones can leave you with a slightly unpleasant metallic taste in the mouth. During the first trimester, and until this sensation disappears, try introducing acidic foods and drinks, such as lemonade, sour sweets, and vinegary food. Brushing your tongue or gargling with salt water may also help.
  • An increased feeling of lower abdominal pressure or mild cramping is also common. This is caused by the embryo implanting itself in the uterine lining and the increased blood flow. A bit of spotting may also be noticed. These symptoms should settle down in a few weeks’ time.
  • Gas and/or bloating may be experienced. The progesterone hormone causes muscles in your body to relax, including the digestive tract, which can result in a feeling of gassy discomfort.
  • Your basal body temperature would stay elevated this week. Remember to take your temperature first thing in the morning, before getting out of bed, or even sitting up.


If you have been trying to get pregnant for a while, you have probably embarked on a healthy lifestyle already. If not, it is not too late to make changes like quitting smoking, giving up alcohol and starting gentle exercise. Some mums-to-be develop an aversion to foods and drinks they previously enjoyed, like coffee, tea, and fatty foods, which makes it easier to reduce the consumption of these less than desirable substances.

Try to get some decent quality rest.  Developing strategies like meditation, yoga or listening to soothing music will stand you in good stead for later when your sleep may be disturbed and you need all the rest you can get. Be patient and kind to yourself, especially if you are feeling overly anxious or stressing about whether you are pregnant or not. Speak to your partner, friend, or health provider, or keep a journal of your feelings and emotions.

Eat nutritious meals and snacks such as fruits and vegetables and whole grains. Boost your intake of healthy proteins. Make a habit of choosing foods rich in vitamins and minerals, calcium, and iron. When dining out, try to select healthier options than fatty, fried foods that contain empty calories. Ensure you replenish your fluids and stay well hydrated by drinking plenty of water, diluted juice, decaffeinated tea, or hot water with lemon.

Healthy snacks that are quick and easy to prepare can include:

  • Apple and Cheese
  • Apple and Peanut Butter
  • Egg on English Muffin or Wholegrain Toast
  • Trail Mix
  • Greek Yoghurt
  • Mashed Avo on Crackers
  • Hummus

Avoid steam baths, hot tubs, jacuzzi, saunas, X-rays, and fake tans during pregnancy. Certain foods should be treated with extreme caution or avoided altogether, like shellfish, raw eggs, raw meat, raw fish. Ensure that fresh vegetables, fruits, and salads are thoroughly rinsed prior to consumption. Before taking over the counter medication you should check with a health care provider if it is safe during pregnancy.

Get your partner to change the kitty litter or, if you must do it yourself, wear gloves. Cat faeces can carry toxoplasmosis, a rare parasitic disease. Use cleaning products with caution as they are laden with harmful chemicals. Or better yet, change to eco-friendly products that not only ensure safety in your home, but help the environment too.

Some experts agree that it is best to leave hair colouring until after 14 weeks of pregnancy to avoid chemicals in the product contacting your scalp. Be aware that hormonal changes can make hair react differently, so you may not get the desired effect when you do eventually resort to the dye bottle!

You are probably dying to know for sure if you are pregnant or not! Be patient! In week 4 you will be able to take your home pregnancy test!

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