Collection: Construction Toys

Construction Toys
Have you heard of green toys? They're construction toys made out of recycled milk cartons! They're a company that makes toys with recycled materials to help the earth, and don't worry they won't melt in your hand. Green Toys has been making environmentally friendly construction toys for kids since the company's founding. They make a wide range of building toys, from dump trucks to little green cranes—all made with recycled milk cartons and are BPA, phthalates, and PVC free. Construction toys contribute to your child’s development by sparking their imagination. When playing with construction toys, children learn about cause and effect. They learn that if they put blocks in a certain way, it will result in a certain structure. Construction toys help encourage problem-solving skills! Children learn about what works and what doesn’t work when building a certain structure. They learn to try different things until they find something that works! Construction toys help develop social skills because most of the time, children play with these types of toys together with other kids. This helps them interact and communicate with others! Construction toys help develop fine motor skills, as they use their hands to build structures with blocks or other construction sets. Construction toys are fun! Kids enjoy playing with them, which is the most important thing! Building toys can help develop your child’s dexterity and problem-solving skills. At an early age, your child learns about how the world works by playing with objects and interacting with people. When your child plays with construction toys, it creates a safe space to practice building and problem solving. These toys develop essential skills and help children foster creativity
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  • $24$76$127$179$230