Collection: Nursery Safety

Nursery Safety
Create a safe nursery for your baby to sleep. There's nothing like the joy of welcoming a new baby. Yet this happy event can also bring with it safety concerns. Setting up your nursery is such an exciting time for parents from selecting the cot and change table to picking the perfect pram and safest car seat. There are few other baby essentials that will make your journey to parenthood much safer. A baby thermometer is a must have, one that can measure baby's forehead temp is more comfortable for baby and parent, being able to measure room temperature is a bonus as it gives you accurate information on how to dress your baby for sleep to avoid the risk of overheating them. Added advantage of digital thermometers is being able to monitor bath temperatures to avoid scolding burns at bath time. Child safety gates help keep curious crawling babies and toddlers out of spaces you don't want them to explore like staircases. Playpens are a safe place to put baby when you need to have a shower or get chores done. Ensure day sleep times are always supervised by using a baby monitor. Using an Air Purifier in your home or nursery you can filter & trap 99.97% of airborne pollutants in your home that are harmful to baby. With advanced filtration, eliminating particles in the room, limits allergies and odours so you can make your nursery a safe and healthy space for your baby and family. Baby proofing a home is essential when baby is crawling. Get at baby's level to access all potential dangers to your baby. Ensure TV's are secured to the wall and light sockets are covered from prying little fingers. We have several products for your baby's nursery that will make you and your baby feel safe and secure. This includes breathing monitors, nightlights, room thermometers, outlet covers and more
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