Collection: BodyIce


Recover naturally through simple cold therapy with BodyIce Recovery, BodyIce Woman and BodyICE Kids ! At BodyICE, we make reusable cold packs and reusable heat packs that are simple, mess free, effective and affordable. We care about your recovery both physically and mentally and we are here to support you every step of the way.

BodyIce Woman is helping women ease pain & discomfort naturally with their postpartum ice packs and heat packs. The BodyICE Woman range are stylishly designed postpartum ice packs just for ladies that also function as heat packs. Our BodyICE Woman breast ice packs are great for soothing breast engorgement, mastitis and pain and inflammation after breast surgery. Our perineal ice packs provide cooling relief to the perineum after childbirth, or after vaginal surgery as well as over a C-section scar. 

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  • $10$25$40$55$70