Collection: Tummy Time Toys

Tummy Time Toys

If you’re looking for baby crawl toys and tummy time toys, you’ve come to the right place! Tummy time is an important skill for baby to practice and master.  Tummy time  helps your baby develop neck strength, aids in the development of their motor skills, and helps them learn to crawl. If you’re at the beginning of your baby’s crawling journey, congratulations! Some might say you’ve got a long road ahead of you, but we say it’s never too early to start looking for ways to encourage your little one to keep moving. We have a line of toys designed to encourage your baby to crawl and once he or she starts crawling, to keep going and explore the world. From our Follow Me Bee toy, which is designed to help your baby practice crawling by catching their attention with a colourful and creative design and which gives them plenty of opportunity for sensory exploration as they learn how to use their hands and arms, we have plenty of options when it comes to encouraging your little one. Babies are capable of great things and we want to give them every possible chance at success. That’s why Skip Hop have created a series of toys designed to make crawling fun and easy. These toys are lightweight and easy to grasp and feature bright colours that babies love. Once your baby gets a hold of one, they won’t be able to stop exploring and they’ll be on the path to crawling faster than ever before! Crawling is a huge milestone for babies and a major gateway to all kinds of developmental awesomeness. Crawl toys work by  giving your little one an incentive to get moving. These are the newest, most innovative crawl toys on the market! These toys can be used by babies that are able to sit up and grasp objects. A lot of babies love to crawl, but it can be a very challenging task for them. When they use our crawl toys, babies are able to learn how to crawl and experience the joys of crawling naturally.

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  • $18$106$194$282$370