Collection: Formula Container

Formula Container
Formula containers and formula dispensers are essential for bottle feeding your baby. You can’t take a tin of formula with you when your out and about and these clever see-through containers make travelling with baby easier. With individual portion compartments and mess-free design, formula dispensers makes it easy to dispense formula right into your baby's bottle. Take your formula dispenser and make up to three bottle feeds during a day out or at daycare. Ideal convenience to feed your baby exactly what they need without having to remeasure their formula. Formula containers allow you to pre-portion out baby formula powder, so all you have to do is pour it into a bottle, add water, and go! Many formula containers easily fit into a nappy bag and can go with you wherever you are. . Formula dispensers can be used long after you have finished bottle feeding by filling them with snacks for your toddler
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  • $19$22$25$27$30